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We now only grow garlic.

Our variety's this year are Red Russian, a hot eastern European garlic. Music, Ontario's most grown garlic originally from Italy. And Ukrainian Garlic. As indicative of it's name it originated in Ukraine. It is nearly identical to Red Russian.  What we like about both Ukrainian and Red Russian is that no matter the size of the bulb the cloves are always nice sized and easy to work with. 

We also offer pickled garlic 500 ML $6.00 and

250 ml 100% pure garlic powder. They make perfect  gifts

$20.00 each and 250 ml of Galic Scape Powder at $18.00 Try this powder and you will never by garlic at the store again.  

514-518-6780 or email


The best garlic in Eastern Ontario

Brad Norrad and Carol Chatland - Chatnor Farms




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